[market highlights]
Buyer Perks courtesy of Kids on 6

pink chicken // A677

Lots of fun features & fab perks to enjoy at our next LA KIDS MARKET, Mar 14-17
Courtesy of our KIDS ON 6 showrooms!

Seminar & Social Networking
mon, mar 14 | 6p-7:30p  |  Kids Buyers Lounge, Suite B691
Rub elbows with fellow buyers & reps while enjoying wine & cheese and hear a surprise guest speaker.

Free Tote Bags
mon-thu, mar 14-17 | 6A elevator area | ongoing
An easy way to carry your orders & catalogs and already includes a KIDS ON6 Directory & Market Calendar for your convenience.

Product Grab Bags
mon-thu, mar 14-17 | 6A elevator area | ongoing
Select a grab bag and you may discover a must-have item for your store.

Lunch Vouchers
mon-thu, mar 14-17 | KIDS ON6 Showrooms | 6th floor, A&B wings
Remember to ask for your free lunch voucher when you visit a participating KIDS ON6 showroom.

Afternoon Coffee & Snacks
mon-thu, mar 14-17 | 3p-6p | 6th floor, A&B wings
Look out for traveling goodies while you shop.